Painting the picture

I saw this display in the photo at Boise’s go-to outdoor business, Idaho Mountain Touring the other day. I was simply ecstatic that the team there had made such an elegant display for fork service. It got me thinking about ways to write service effectively: Painting the Picture.

Writing service that makes sense to a consumer can be a challenge, especially when performance has degraded slowly over time. It maybe that the consumer hasn’t even noticed the change! It is important to paint a picture of improvements in order for the customer to get the most out of your services.

In/Out readings for key parts of a bicycle can make a huge difference. By recording and sharing the “in” readings versus the “out” readings at check-out time, customers feel happier with their spend on the bicycle. Download a free service writing checklist with full In/Out readings by entering your email below.

A customer who can ‘see’ the increased tire pressure or spoke tension can visualize what would otherwise be invisible.

Painting the Picture goes beyond service writing, naturally. You can use it for selling parts, bikes, accessories, you name it. The best salespeople in the world will paint a picture for a consumer and help them envision how their life will be better, more fun or easier. Keep it relevant to the consumers goals and use language that illustrates the experience.

  • “New cables and housing will reduce the effort and provide a ‘like-new’ ride experience for your hands”
  • “The plus-sized mountain tires make it feel like every corner has a berm”
  • “The dirty oil in your fork can turn into a scouring pad without you knowing it”

If you can back it up with a demonstration, like our friends at Idaho Mountain Touring…all the better!

Download the Winged Wheel Service Checklist to show in and out figures for your consumers. Just enter your email below: